Friday, January 06, 2006

A nation of cold-hearted mofos?

Myself and co-worker/friend Eyeder are eating lunch at a restaurant. There is a television turned to CNN...

Damn, that coal mine disaster is a trip, ain't it?

I guess. I don't get it.

Me: Don't get what?

Eyder: Why it's such a big deal.

Me: You don't think all those people dying is a big deal?

Eyder: Not really.

Me: What? All those people died.

Eyder: Yeah, I know. That's sad. For them. But I don't really care. How does it effect me?

Me: Well, directly, I guess not. But it's a major human drama. These are working class people.

Eyder: So? What does that have to do with me?

Me: Nothing directly, I guess. But, shit, don't you think it's sad that all those people died?

Eyder: But people die every day.

Me: The FUCK you talking about?

Eyder: I'm just saying, yeah, it's sad, but what does it have to do with me? I don't really care.

Me: You sound like another friend who didn't think the Space Shuttle crashing was a big deal.

Eyder: Oh THAT was a big deal.

Me: And this isn't?

Eyder: No.

Me: I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree.

Eyder: I'm just tired of all the coverage of it.

Me: Oookaaay, what dat got to do with it?

Eyder: It didn't happen near Houston, so, why is this a national story?

Me: Uh, because so many people died at once? It's a human story.

Eyder: So?

Me: Never mind.

I mean, damn, everybody obviously got the right to their own shit, their own way of seeing things, but I just don't see how someone could look at things like the mine tragedy and not be moved. It's like looking at Katrina and the aftermath and not giving a damn. I actually know someone who didn't think that the space shuttle crash from a few years ago was a big deal.

Like I said, to each his own, but, shit, what happened to the gentleness and thoughtfullness that was supposed to return after 911? Is it just me, or are we becoming a nation of cold-hearted mofos?


Unknown said...

i was just taught in one of my classes that people want to know how something effects them ... so i can understand both sides.

the person you were talking to did not feel effected by the situation, does not make them a bad person. their point of reference is just different, ya know?

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Jameil said...

oh i definitely knew that sweetness of 9/11 wouldn't last. cold-hearted people have always been around. they will probably never leave.

covering this was hard. i wanted to watch all those tvs at work instead of writing for our audience. but somebody had to do it. nearly everyday i hear something like that ignorance on someone's misery. i choose not to react unless they try to pass their ignorance on to the air. then i have to draw the line.

Drew said...

I mean, I wasn't trying to call out Eyder. He's a good guy. Just a little young, I think. I was mainly joking with him.

And, I can understand that people have different reactions to things, based on their frame of reference.

BUT, I still don't see how someone can look at the mine accident and be like, "so?".

But that's just me. I'm not judging anybody. Just trying to figure people out.